This week’s course focused on application of learnings from last week, which can be accessed here. Students applied their verbal, writing and visual aspects of communication to their culmination end-of-course project. In the coming days, we will centrally focus on the nonverbal aspect through practice, individually and with a coach.
Leadership and Public Speaking:
Purchase your poster board and note cards for your presentation. If you desire to move ahead, the following can be completed in preparation for Tuesday’s session:
- Print visuals large enough for someone at the back of the room (based on our room size) to see
- Write, or type your paragraph about the individual whom you consider to be an effective public speaker. Include why
- Select a significant quote from each person selected. The quote will be included on the poster board
- Start envisioning how you will design the poster board to be most reflective of your authentic and creative self
Takeaway from day 5 and 6: Envisioning how you would like to represent yourself according to the four aspects of communication is an important start for preparation. One must select which individuals most represent his/her/their idea of quality communication and leadership; this is especially the case for one who desires to learn/adopt the same qualities. Who is your epitome of a great leader and/or communicator?